The Case of Lieutenant Cobb



Autograph Letter Signed


The Case of Lieutenant Cobb


Jackson discusses the case of Lieutenant Cobb who, because of a derangement of the Army, lost two year's opportunity to rise in rank. He has been reinstated in the Artillery but now finds himself in the position of having to obey those he once commanded. He and his family are honest and respectble and zealous friends of the federal government. Jackson requests that Cobb be given command of one of the companies to be raised.

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sent from location

Louisville, Georgia


sent to location

War Department

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notable person/group

James McHenry
James Jackson
Lieutenant Cobb
zealous friend to the federal government
citizens of Georgia
Major Rudolph of the cavalry
General Wayne

notable location

War Department
Louisville, [Georgia]

notable item/thing

derangement of the Army
deviation from a marked rule

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) In image WAH05 (2 pages) In source Collection: State of Georgia, Executive Minutes, 06/28/1798-11/07/1799. Location in source D:50, B:43, pp.278-79
[view document] (0 pages) In image WAA16 (0 pages) In source Collection: [Georgia] Governors' Letter Books Location in source D:62, B:62, WAA16

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Type Author Name James Jackson Location Louisville, Georgia Notes [n/a]
Type Recipient Name James McHenry Location War Department Notes [n/a]