Working with Documents
Clicking on the title or thumbnail of any document in the document browse page allows you to view individual documents in the Papers of the War Department archive available for transcription and its associated media. The title of the page refers to the document as a whole, displaying each Page available for transcription below followed by detailed information on the document.
The Layout options are the same as the Document Browse page. List is set as the default view.
- List, displays the media in horizontal rows that prioritize text with a small thumbnail of each item followed by information for that particular item.
- Grid, displays the media in squares four per row that prioritize a large thumbnail of each item with information about each image listed below.

In the default List view, each media page has its own row that lists Page information, date when the page was Last transcribed, and its Status.
- Page, displays the title of each media item. Titles have been optimized to reflect the order that they appear in the document, e.g., #1, #2. If you would instead like to view the original filenames for each media item, check the "Show original titles" box in the options toolbar.
- Clicking on the Transcribe link will take you directly to the transcription page for that media Page.
- Last Transcribed, displays the date that this media was last worked on by you or another transcriber. It will display "Not transcribed" if no text has been saved.
- Status, displays the status of that media item, including:
- New, indicates that no transcriptions have been saved for this item.
- In Progress, indicates partial transcriptions by you or another transcriber.
- Completed, indicates a complete transcription awaiting review by the PWD team.
Typically, documents will contain so few pages that you will be able to view them all on one page. For particularly long documents, the sort and filter options help you to quickly scan which items need transcriptions to be started or completed.
Sort allows you to order the media in ascending or descending order by:
- Last edited, sorts in order of last activity by you or another transcriber;
- Last completed, sorts in order of last item to be marked complete; and
- Last approved, sorts in order of last item to be approved by PWD’s editorial team.
You can also Filter the media through a number of options:
- Is edited, shows items that have been edited by you or another transcriber;
- Is not edited, shows items that have never been edited;
- Is completed, shows items that have been marked as complete;
- Is not completed, shows items that have not been marked as complete;
- Is approved, shows items that have been approved by the PWD team; and
- Is not approved, shows items that have not been approved by the PWD team.
The details section below includes information related to the entire document. This includes Title, Description, Date, Author, Location, Recipient, and Collection. Scrolling down to the Notes, Notable person/group, Notable location, and Notable item/thing can be helpful for giving you context to decipher parts of a transcription you aren’t sure about as you work through each page.