From Tuckabachee; letter from Alexander Cornell to Creek Indian Agent James Seagrove on the robbery and murder at St Marys



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From Tuckabachee; letter from Alexander Cornell to Creek Indian Agent James Seagrove on the robbery and murder at St Marys


Cornell sorry about the mischief done at St Marys [the robbery and murder of whites at Traders Hill at Robert Seagrove's store]. Mad Dog and David Cornell uneasy about what to do. Had high hopes for peace. Mentions great father General Washington. Have thrown away Spaniard's talks; although Creeks friends with Spaniards, do not take talk against United States. There would be peace if everyone exerted selves like Mad Dog, heads of upper towns, and Mr Weatherford. Sent white man with talks to Seagrove; the only man who has done anything for Creeks. Ash has not done anything for Seagrove. Grason has been giving Indians talks to go to war. Asks for advice on what to do with such people.

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This document is enclosed in a statement relative to the South Western frontiers, as connected with the state of Georgia and Creek Indians, the south Western territory of the United States and the Cherokees submitted to the House of Representatives on December 4, 1793. This document is an integral part of [Public Reports] and other communications of the Secretary of War, 12/99/1793.

notable person/group

James Seagrove
Alexander Cornell
General Washington
Robert Seagrove
Mad Dog
David Cornell
Alexander Cornell
United States

notable location

St. Marys
Traders Hill
upper towns
lower towns

notable idea/issue

robbery and murder at Traders Hill on St Marys

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Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) In image NOP01 (506 pages) In source Collection: Third Congress: Transcribed Confidential Reports and Other Communications Transmitted by the Secretary of War to the House of Representatives, 3d Congress, 1st Session, 1793, Vol. II [3C-B2] (RG 233) {M1268, roll 14} Location in source M: 1268, R: 14, 265-266
[view document] (2 pages) In image NOP01 (506 pages) In source Collection: Printed Versions Location in source M: 1268, R: 14; p 265-266

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Type Author Name Alexander Cornell Location Tuckaubatchee Notes [n/a]
Type Recipient Name James Seagrove Location [unknown] Notes [n/a]