Craig discusses military stores and shipments with Hodgdon
Autograph Letter Signed
Craig discusses military stores and shipments with Hodgdon
Major Craig informs Samuel Hodgdon of monies received for the quartermaster's department. Craig also requests certain stores to be sent to Fort Pitt.
year created
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Cited in Craig to Hodgdon, 05/24/1793.
cited note
Cited document addressed to the War Office
notable person/group
Samuel Hodgdon
Isaac Craig
Lieutenant Bond
Quarter Master General
Major Thomas Hughes
Colonel O'Hara
notable location
Legion Ville
Wheeling Virginia
West Virginia
notable item/thing
duck covering
pack saddles
keel boats
sewing thread
India Ships
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Letter from Major
Isaac Craig
17 May 1793
Recd 24
Answered 25 -
[stamped: Received from State Dept. Nov. 24.1894. R.P.O. 401310]
[stamped: Received from State Dep't. Nov. 24.1894. R.P.O. 401310]
Pittsburgh 17th May 1793
I have Received your favor of the 10th Instant, enclosing Capt. Priors Receipt for a Horse &c, I have also Received your Packet, addressed to the Quarter Master General, on opening of which I find a Packet said to contain five thousand dollars in Post Notes, accompanied by a letter, both of which shall be forwarded to Head Quarters, in Charge of Lieut Bond, who sets off tomorrow morning, he having been detained here to escort a Boat loaded with the last Stores that have come forward, this Season, together with some others provided here.
The Money viz 19000 dollars, Received by the two last Posts for the Quarter Master General; I have sent forward to him by Major Thomas Hughes, who set off wt his detachment on the 15th.
At parting wt Coll O'Hara at Legion Ville he told me he should write me from Wheeling, and enclose me Instructions, to draw on you for money, occasionally, but as the Army proceeded wt out halting, either night or day, he has not had an opportunity.
The Money left in my hands by him, is expended and several large accts, yet to pay and others daily accruing. I have therefore to Request you to inform the Secretary of War, of my situation, who will I am persuaded, Point out some mode of furnishing money.
98 98 98
Money, for the Exigencies of this Post, till the Quarter Masters General Instructions can arrive from Fort Washington Articles Most immediately wanted, are Nails - Assorted, Files, Steel Coarse Wire, for Camp Kettles, Duck for Covering Keel Boats, Sewing thread, Tirklenburgh for Pack Saddles, Stationary &c
Mrs. Craig presents her Respects to you, and says she will be very glad to hear of the Arrival of the India Ships.
I am Sir Your Obedt Servt
Isaac Craig
Saml Hodgdon Esqr.
Isaac Craig
17 May 1793
Recd 24
Answered 25 -
[stamped: Received from State Dept. Nov. 24.1894. R.P.O. 401310]
[stamped: Received from State Dep't. Nov. 24.1894. R.P.O. 401310]
Pittsburgh 17th May 1793
I have Received your favor of the 10th Instant, enclosing Capt. Priors Receipt for a Horse &c, I have also Received your Packet, addressed to the Quarter Master General, on opening of which I find a Packet said to contain five thousand dollars in Post Notes, accompanied by a letter, both of which shall be forwarded to Head Quarters, in Charge of Lieut Bond, who sets off tomorrow morning, he having been detained here to escort a Boat loaded with the last Stores that have come forward, this Season, together with some others provided here.
The Money viz 19000 dollars, Received by the two last Posts for the Quarter Master General; I have sent forward to him by Major Thomas Hughes, who set off wt his detachment on the 15th.
At parting wt Coll O'Hara at Legion Ville he told me he should write me from Wheeling, and enclose me Instructions, to draw on you for money, occasionally, but as the Army proceeded wt out halting, either night or day, he has not had an opportunity.
The Money left in my hands by him, is expended and several large accts, yet to pay and others daily accruing. I have therefore to Request you to inform the Secretary of War, of my situation, who will I am persuaded, Point out some mode of furnishing money.
98 98 98
Money, for the Exigencies of this Post, till the Quarter Masters General Instructions can arrive from Fort Washington Articles Most immediately wanted, are Nails - Assorted, Files, Steel Coarse Wire, for Camp Kettles, Duck for Covering Keel Boats, Sewing thread, Tirklenburgh for Pack Saddles, Stationary &c
Mrs. Craig presents her Respects to you, and says she will be very glad to hear of the Arrival of the India Ships.
I am Sir Your Obedt Servt
Isaac Craig
Saml Hodgdon Esqr.
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (7 pages) | In image ZMI12 (7 pages) | In source Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) | Location in source B: 2 |
[view document] (3 pages) | In image ZMI12a (3 pages) | In source Collection: Post Revolutionary War Papers, 1784-1815. (RG94) | Location in source B: 2 |
[view document] (0 pages) | In image IAN17 (0 pages) | In source Collection: Isaac Craig Papers | Location in source IIA260-261 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Type Author | Name Isaac Craig | Location Pittsburgh | Notes [n/a] |
Type Recipient | Name Samuel Hodgdon | Location Philadelphia | Notes [n/a] |