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Itemized list of how Hodgdon wants goods and troops distributed on the boats and directions for outfitting the boats.
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Isaac Craig
Samuel Hodgdon
Colonel Bayard
John Hamilton's brigade
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oats and corn
pack saddles
horse shoes
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InstructionsColo Hodgdon toMajor Isaac Craig16th July 1791preparations for 2d Embarkation
No. 26
Pittsburg 16th July 1791
I wish to have the following Boats Fitted as described immediately--Vizt
Six of the stoutest for horsesThree for Oats and Corn--Four for the Officers and Men--
I would have all fitted in the best manner--the Plank for the floor of the Horse boats Colonel Bay and will supply supply timely--the upper floors to be close laid and all Nailed--the troughs to be made wide and right to hold water as well as forage and to be supported well with bracketts--those fitted to take on the troops should be selected from the Boats
are one third roofed and two more roof supporters may be fixed to enable them (if they chuse) to make a further covering with Tents--the forage Boats and store Boat to be roofed, with thin board (the lightest possible) all over--the horse boats, forage boats, and store Boats, to be furnished with pumps--you will also attend to see that all the Pack saddles for John Hamiltons Brigade are complete as they will be forwarded with the next embarkation which will take place in a few days--Fifty of the small Belts may be fitted to serve as a substitute until larger one an be procured--Horse shoes and Nails in suitable proportions should also
to get ready to go forward with the Horses--And in fine, whatever else is Necessary to be done to ensure a safe and speedy passage to the Horses and stores innumerated you will attend to and [undecipherable] perfected immediately--
I amSir.Your Most Obedient servantSamuel HodgdonQMG
When the Boats are caulked, which will be the last part of their fitting--I will have the seam [undecipherable] either with pitch or tar--
Major Isaac Craig
No. 26
Pittsburg 16th July 1791
I wish to have the following Boats Fitted as described immediately--Vizt
Six of the stoutest for horsesThree for Oats and Corn--Four for the Officers and Men--
I would have all fitted in the best manner--the Plank for the floor of the Horse boats Colonel Bay and will supply supply timely--the upper floors to be close laid and all Nailed--the troughs to be made wide and right to hold water as well as forage and to be supported well with bracketts--those fitted to take on the troops should be selected from the Boats
are one third roofed and two more roof supporters may be fixed to enable them (if they chuse) to make a further covering with Tents--the forage Boats and store Boat to be roofed, with thin board (the lightest possible) all over--the horse boats, forage boats, and store Boats, to be furnished with pumps--you will also attend to see that all the Pack saddles for John Hamiltons Brigade are complete as they will be forwarded with the next embarkation which will take place in a few days--Fifty of the small Belts may be fitted to serve as a substitute until larger one an be procured--Horse shoes and Nails in suitable proportions should also
to get ready to go forward with the Horses--And in fine, whatever else is Necessary to be done to ensure a safe and speedy passage to the Horses and stores innumerated you will attend to and [undecipherable] perfected immediately--
I amSir.Your Most Obedient servantSamuel HodgdonQMG
When the Boats are caulked, which will be the last part of their fitting--I will have the seam [undecipherable] either with pitch or tar--
Major Isaac Craig
Item sets
Document instances
In image | In source | Location in source | |
[view document] (5 pages) | In image IAJ19 (5 pages) | In source Collection: James Robertson Papers | Location in source IB020 |
Document names
Type | Name | Location | Notes |
Type Author | Name Samuel Hodgdon | Location Pittsburgh | Notes [n/a] |
Type Recipient | Name Isaac Craig | Location [unknown] | Notes [n/a] |