Closing of accounts



Author's Letterbook Copy


Closing of accounts


The author rejects the recipient's contention that he is only to be responsible for the accounts of his State. The Commissioner of Army Accounts requires the recipient to close all the accounts rather than just those of his State. A partial accounting will only retard the business of the War Office.

year created


month created


day created



sent from location



in image

notable person/group

Andrew Dunscomb
Joseph Howell
your friends
Officers of Spee's Legion of this State
Cap. Herd
Mr. Pierce
that Corps

notable location

your native City
State of Virginia
this State
this post

notable item/thing

your several Letters of the 13,17, & 29
three weeks
your appointment
all the papers relative to that Corps
those accounts
the wish of Mr. Pierce
the accounts of the whole
partial settlements
the business
much unnecessary trouble
the settlement of that Corps
return of the Horse

notable phrase

I am to inform you it is the wish of Mr. Pierce that you take up the accounts of the whole

document number


page start



Philada September 21st 1784.

Sir, Your several Letters of the 13, 17, & 29, Ult.o I received in my return

from your native City, at which place I was near three weeks and had the pleasure of seeing your Friends.

In yours of the 13th you mention that your appointm[ent] confines you to the [undecipherable] of Virginia alone, in consiquence of which the Officers of Lee's Legion of this State must be settled by me. As you are possessed of alThe papers relative to that Corps, and as I understand Cap. Herd is now with you For the purpose of closing those accounts. I am to inform you it is the wish of W. Pierce that you take up the accounts of the whole, For if partial settlements are made it will retard the business exceedingly, as well as confuse the accounts & give Cap. Herd much unnecessary trouble. You will therefore proceed in the settlements of that Corps.

The return of the Horse I have not been able to procure for this part - by the next you may expect them if to be had.

Yours, etc. J. Howell Junr.

A. Dunscomb

Item sets

Document instances

In image In source Location in source
[view document] (2 pages) In image DDJ01 (355 pages) In source Collection: Numbered Record Books, 1775-1798. (RG93) (M853) Location in source V:135, P:26

Document names

Type Name Location Notes
Type Author Name Joseph Howell Location Philadelphia Notes [n/a]
Type Recipient Name A.W. Dunscomb Location [unknown] Notes [n/a]