Outlines Trade Tips with Indians; List of Items in Need by Creeks: Page #2
Original title: xfu/XFU16002.jpg

Fort Wilkinson Septr. 3d. 1799
The Inclosed I recd. from herewith is a copy of what I recd. from Colo. Hawkins, about three weeks past, but have been it would have been forwarded by last Post, but about that Time I was confined seven or eight Days with a fever, which is common in the Garrison. The Indians complain much for want of Powder, Flints, Salt and Blankets. In my last to you I mentiond that I saw no account of Blankets in the Invoice but it was an oversight in me, In Bale No. 5. is said to contain ten striped Blankets.
I am Sir
your obedient & Hbl. Servn
Edwd. Wright
U.S. Factor
Mr. John Harris
Keeper of Military Stores