Henry Foxall and Co. Account Update: Page #1
Original title: 1letterbook/YLA01_213.jpg

Chas B Dayton Esqr Elizabeth Town N.J.
Accountant's Office August 4th, 1800--
I received this day yours of the 28th Ulto. enclos
your account up to the 30 June together with a draft in my favor on the Secretary of War for 3500 dollars which I presented for payment, but was refused as it was thought more proper to report the balance on your accounts, I therefore return you the draft.
All your former accounts have been
examined, you may therefore expect to hear of the result in a few days --
I am & c W.S.
Saml Hodgdon Esqr. August 2d 1800
Superintendt of M.S. Philadelphia --
Sir Henry Foxall & Co have received a
credit on the Books of this Office for articles purchased & supplied by them for the purposes of The United States, amounting agreeably to the inclosed Abstract to four thousand one hundred & fifty one dollars 75/100, & which are now in their possession for which you will be pleased to cause the necessary entries on the Books of the Superintendant of Military Stores; -- they are to deliver up the Same at the expiration of their Contract with the United States --
I am &c W.S.