

10. He shall keep a recruiting Book in it He shall record. --

the Name, Trade and Description of each Recruit, A Copy of the Oath taken before the Magistrate signed by the Magistrate and Recruit. -- The Money paid to every Recruit.-- The Articles of Clothing Arms & Accoutrements delivered each Recruit. --

11. The Commanding Officer at each Rendesvous will sign Returns for the Issues of all Rations and other necessary Supplies for the Recruits, and on the Satur day of each Week, the Returns made in the week are to be taken up, and one general Return made out and signed, for the Rations received, in the course of the Week, noticing the daily Issues. --

12. On the Desertion of a Recruit, besides the usual Exertions and Means to be employed on such occasions, the recruiting Officer will transmit as soon as pos [undecipherable] a description of the Deserter to the Secretary of War, and will cause all Descriptions of Deserters that may be sent him to be entered in a Book, kept for that Purpose, a [undecipherable] will use his Endeavours to discover and apprehend all Deserters. ---

Given at the War Office of the United States the sixteenth day of March 1798, and the twenty second Year of the Independence of the said States. --