
Dollars per Month and Three Dollars Bounty. The ordinary Seamen, Ten Dollars per Month and two Dollars , Bounty.

You will instruct the officers at each Rendezvous to engage none other than healthy robust and well organized Men, and to reject those who may be Scorbutic or consumptively affected.

You will direct the Surgeon, or a Mate to attend at those Places to examine each Sailor and Marine, and to certify to the recruiting Officer, that they are well organized, healthy, robust, and free from scorbutic and consumptive affections, before he engages them or pays them any Bounty. If Bounty or Wages is paid to any without such a Certificate, it will be at the risk of the Officer paying it.

The Officer of each Rendezvous shall make out on every Saturday, a Return of the Number of Seamen recruited within the Week, stating therein the Number delivered over to the Ship, and transmit the same to the Captain, and a Duplicate to the Secretary for the Depart- ment of War. -

You will also transmit to the Secretary for the Department of War, a weekly return, exhibiting the Number of Marines, able and ordinary Seamen on board the Ship, and the In- cidents that have taken place respecting Them or any of them As also the Progress that has been made for preparing her for Sea. -

The commanding Officer at each Rendezvous, on the desertion of a Seaman, finde [undecipherable] the usual Exertions and Means to be employed on such Occasions to recover and apprehend him will transmit as soon as possible, a Description