
peace. Independently of these considerations the Commissioners for their own sakes request the pleasure of their Company.

The Commissioners feeling the greatest solicitude to accom- plish the object of their mission will be happy to receive from the Gover- nor every information relating to it which his situation enables him to communicate. He must be aware that the sales and settlements of the lands over the Ohio, founded on the treaties of Forts McIntosh and Harmar, render it impossible now to make that river the boundary.

The expression of his opinion on this point in particular will give them great satisfaction.


Besides the reasons expressly mentioned in the notes there were other inducements to present it.

With respect to the invitation to some British Officers to attend the treaties the Commissioners found they were desirous of attending and thought a direct invitation more eligible than a mere affront to their wishes.

Colonel Butler and General Chapin also deemed the invitation to be of some moment.

It was the explicit opinion of the Chiefs of the Senekas that an open communication with the Governor on the subject of the treaty might have a salutary effect and Major Littlehales, the Governor's Secretary gave the Commissioners to understand that the Governor if requested would chearfully give his opinion about it.

The conceived also that the presence of some Officers of the army would add to their security from insults and from danger

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