Payment due detachment of Cavalry enlisted by Lieutenant John Posey: Page #1 Original title: 1letterbook/DMA01_140.jpg Protection: Open to all Expiration: Never Status: Completed Mark this revision as complete Cancel Payment due detachment of Cavalry enlisted by Lieutenant John Posey: Page #1 Go full screenExit full screen Layout Reset 140 <u>hundred fifteen Dollars and ninety three Cents</u> for his pay from the 1 July and Subsistence from 1 Jany to 31 Oct. 1795 inclusive. W<sup>m</sup> Simmons Dollars 215 93/100 Acct The Srct of War Accountant's Office Nov 13.<sup>th</sup> 1795. I Certify that there is due to a De-tachment of Cavalry inlisted by Lt. John Posey, now under the Command of Capt. Samuel Tinsley at Richmond, the Sum of <u>two hundred thirty nine Dollars & eighty nine</u> Cents, for their pay for Sept. and Oct. 1795 which sum is to be transmitted to Edward Carrington Esq. Supervisor of Virg<sup>a</sup> the said Capt. Tinsley to be accountable for the due application thereof Doll<sup>s</sup/ 239 89/100 W<sup>m</sup> Simmons Acct The Secy of War. Accountant's Office Nov 13.<sup>th</sup> 1795 I Certify that there is due to Captain Samuel Tinsley, Ems Sam Allison and the Men under the Command of Capt. Tinsley, the Sum of <u>two hundred seventy four Dollars & sixty eight cent</u> for his and their pay for the <sup>o</sup> of Oct 1795 which Sum is to be transmitted to Edw Carington Esq. Supervisor of Virginia the said Capt Tinsley to be accountable for the due application thereof is <sup>s</sup/ 274 68/100 W<sup>m</sup> Simmons Acct The Secy of War