

Accountants Office December 15 1797 (Happily) that there is due to (John) (Fieldisenden) the sum of (two) hundred and ten (dollars) (being) for (his) services in enlisting and (proving) (Sunday) public (military) Hours from the 10th of August to the 10th of September 1797 the due (performance) of the said served (being) certified by Sam Hodgdon. Military Housekeeper (Signed) (honlg) (Eckene) 210 (Dollars) (W) Sommons The secretary of office (Felt)

Accountants Office December (10th) 1797 (Happily) that there is due to the (torps) of (Fitillerists) and (Engines) (slatened) (at) (West) (Point) the sum of six hundred seventy three Dollars and ninety seven Cents being for the pay and (forage) of the (Commisioned Officers) and for the pay of the non commissioned officers and (havates) of the (shared) (torps) for October 1797 which sum is to be transmitted to (Siehelas) (Fish) (Suproviser) (har) (york) to be by him paid tp Jehemiah (Kneemax) (temporary) (fay) master (of) (celest) (fond) who is to be held accountable for the due (application) (therery) Pay of the army 37.97 (forage) of Officers 30. Dollars 673. 97 The Secretary of War WSimmons


Accountants Office Novermber 16th 1797 (happily) that there is due to the estate of the late (Jaemiah) (Faniels) (aprivals) in Capt (nattiesens) Company in the (Torps) of (Fitillerists) (and) (Engenares) the sum of (twelve) Dollars and forty one Cents being for his pay from 1st March the day he was last paid to (to) the fourth june 1797 (inclusive) the day of (his) death which (seem) is payable to (josherak)