Pay of Discharged Men: Page #1 Original title: 1letterbook/DMA01_267.jpg Protection: Open to all Expiration: Never Status: Completed Mark this revision as complete Cancel Pay of Discharged Men: Page #1 Go full screenExit full screen Layout Reset Department of War. 267 Accountants Office July 5th 1796 I certify that there is due to the following discharged men late in the 2nd banking on the sum of <u>one hundred forty nine dollars and ninety eight cents</u> being for their pay for the term they were said to by the Pay Master to the date I'v been discharged bye Asahel Starks...Per enlistment Pe I 25 2...30.50 Thomas Souent...Carp't ...21.93 John Wyant...smv...24.68 Salmon Washburn...pow privt absorbrant D No. 377...39.42 Thomas Serwrend...smv...dr...REC 4...29.42 James Warnwnaght...privt...14.-3 [initials]rs 149.98 which sum is payable to Charles Green Attorney to said discharged soldiers In absence of the Accountant Peter Hagner June 6, Fiks A. O. The Sec't of War Department of War Accountants Office July 11th, 1796 I certify that there is due to Lieut. William Willson and the men under his command at Governors Island the sum of <u>one hundred and twelve dollars</u> being for his and their pay for the month of June 1796 which sum is to be transmitted to Nicholas Fish Borg Sup'e, New York. Doll. 112 In absence of the Accountant Peter Hagner Punck. Ciko A. O. The Sec't of War