Amount Due John Woods, printer at Newark New Jersey: Page #1 Original title: 1letterbook/DMA01_209.jpg Protection: Open to all Expiration: Never Status: Completed Mark this revision as complete Cancel Amount Due John Woods, printer at Newark New Jersey: Page #1 Go full screenExit full screen Layout Reset Accountants’ Office 309 March 10<sup>th</sup> 1796 - I Certify that there is due to the following Soldiers the sums opposed to their Names being for their Pay from the 1<sup>st</sup> of August 1793 (the day they were paid to by the Pay Master) to the day of their discharges [undecipherable]. To John Moore from Capt Pasteur's Corp 7 to [undecipherable] Feb 1794. 24:28 " John Holland Priv. Capt [undecipherable] corp 7 to [undecipherable] " 18:11 " Arthur Conway Capt. [undecipherable] corps 7 to " 22 " <u>20:25 </u> <u> D.c 62:64 </u> Amounting in the whole to <u>Sixty two dollars and Sixty four Cents</u>, which sum is payable to their attorney Robert Cochran - [undecipherable] William Simmons <u>The Sec of War</u> Accountants' Office March 10<sup>th</sup> 1796 I Certify that there is due to John Woods printer at Newark the sum of four Dollars for advertising in the Newark Gazette - Thomas Smith Edmund Brinson and Samuel Hugg, deserters from the late Militia Army under command fo Gen. Morgan at the Garrison on Monongahaly River - which sum is payable to Aaron Kitchell Esq. [undecipherable] William Simmons The Sec of War Accountants' Office March 11<sup>th</sup> 1796 I Certify there there is due to Israel ( [undecipherable] Agent to the six Nations of Indians, the sum of <u>Two thousand nine hundred and thirty nine Dollars and Sixty two Cents</u>, being a balance appearing on Settlement of his account as Agent to [undecipherable] Six Nations of Indians to the 31.<sup>st</sup> January last, including his Salary [undecipherable]