Amount Due John Woods, printer at Newark New Jersey: Page #1
Original title: 1letterbook/DMA01_209.jpg
Accountants’ Office 309 March 10th 1796 -
I Certify that there is due to the following Soldiers the sums opposed to their Names being for their Pay from the 1st of August 1793 (the day they were paid to by the Pay Master) to the day of their discharges [undecipherable]. To John Moore from Capt Pasteur's Corp 7 to [undecipherable] Feb 1794. 24:28 " John Holland Priv. Capt [undecipherable] corp 7 to [undecipherable] " 18:11 " Arthur Conway Capt. [undecipherable] corps 7 to " 22 " 20:25
D.c 62:64
Amounting in the whole to Sixty two dollars and Sixty four Cents, which sum is payable to their attorney Robert Cochran -
[undecipherable] William Simmons
The Sec of War
Accountants' Office March 10th 1796
I Certify that there is due to John Woods printer at Newark the sum of four Dollars for advertising in the Newark Gazette - Thomas Smith Edmund Brinson and Samuel Hugg, deserters from the late Militia Army under command fo Gen. Morgan at the Garrison on Monongahaly River - which sum is payable to Aaron Kitchell Esq.
[undecipherable] William Simmons
The Sec of War
Accountants' Office
March 11th 1796
I Certify there there is due to Israel ( [undecipherable] Agent to the six Nations of Indians, the sum of Two thousand nine hundred and thirty nine Dollars and Sixty two Cents, being a balance appearing on Settlement of his account as Agent to [undecipherable] Six Nations of Indians to the January last, including his Salary [undecipherable]