

from 1 June 1778 to the 12th May 1780 exclusively 23 months 12 days @ 10 dollars per month..........234.00


By normal pay received [?] 110 dolls @ 3 62/100 dolls for [?]......................30 38 By normal pay received for 1779-- 120 dolls @ 15 3/100 drs. for owe....................8.00 By normal pay for January, February & March 1780--30 dolls @ 40 drs for owe................... .75 B Balance on Interest from 1st of August 1780.....................................................234 87

                                                   Dolls 274.00

Department of War Accountants Office [?]................Dec. 14th 1798

Settled for insurance [?] [?] of the [?] LeJorion of the Treasury Congress of the United States [?] [?] 27th March 1792

(Signed) Attorney Wrig Jos [?] Accountant