

[Vertically on left margin] Memorandum of Lt Col Murray [undecipherable] [obscured]
Col Murray [undecipherable] [undecipherable]1 Feb.78. Discharged as a Major [undecipherable]. 25. 80
The [undecipherable] at War informs^me that he was left out of the
arrangement of the Line in 1779 -
A Resolve of JanY 1.1781 - the Col claims under, which
says^it is the [undecipherable] of [undecipherable] that [undecipherable] officers who have been exchanged^since the last arrang. or are
in captivity ought to be arranged^that he was exchanged since
this arrangement, & that being by this [undecipherable] liable to be arranged
he is of [undecipherable] until led to [undecipherable] [undecipherable]of those then omitted
a Resolve of May 22 1779 says that all officers who are or
may be exchanged & not constituted in service lies after
such exchanged considered as supernumerary officers
and entitled to the years pay.
May 26. 1781- a Resolve says that the above mentioned
year pay should be in the [undecipherable] [undecipherable]-
Feb.Y 11 1786 Resolves that this officer who have
been Prisoner, with the [undecipherable] and deranged are
entitled to the one years pay-
It does not appear that Col Murray has ever been
annexed to the Line after his derangement.
in [undecipherable] or [undecipherable] that.
Col Murray has produced a return to the War
Office^from [undecipherable] St. Clair with [undecipherable], which he says was deliver
in^to that office in 1781 - ^entitled a list of the Prisoners who were released from
captivity after the arrangement of 1780 and which
[undecipherable] [undecipherable] says are to be considered as relieving officers
and instill to half [undecipherable] in which is indicated Col
Francis Murray as a Lt. Col from Apl 17 1780.
Col Murray urges that he is in the same situ-
ation as Capt. Rob. [undecipherable], who has received
his [undecipherable][undecipherable].
he also says that
If Col Murray was actually deranged in 1779, it is
my opinion that he comes under the Resolves of
May 22d 1779 & May 26.1781- which entitles him to a