Account Settlement: Page #2 Original title: 1786/cci07_2.jpg Protection: Open to all Expiration: Never Status: Completed Mark this revision as complete Cancel Account Settlement: Page #2 Go full screenExit full screen Layout Reset Settled dphcal July 26th. 1786 Sir, When I saw you last in New York you advised to state my Accounts and lay them before Mr. Dirias which would be admitted as a Claum Whordy at some future Dirias they might be filled. I mrcu take the Liberty of omcting to you, and by the favour, that you Would So far Intancst Yourself in My behalf, as to do What is Maybe in My Absence, and the favour Shall Allways be Gratefully Acknorhages by Sir Yours Very Obrded Num. e Sined Thos. Armor D S. inclosed I Send the Accts