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Revision as of 10:07:42, 13 May 2022 by Mebrett
Office of Army Accounts New York 10 March 1796
Your letter of the 4 Inst. is now before me [strikethrough] and [undecipherable] to your request [\strikethrough] I find you are mistaken in the [undecipherable] to Captain Alex Patterson’s receiving from me any Certificates for you - as it appears on the Settlement of your Account that a balance was due from you to the UStates, which balance Mr. Nicholson, Comptroller of Penns'a. deducted from your Account of depreciation and issued the balance in a Certificate No. 3282 - to Alexander Capt. Patterson [strikethrough] is, by his [\strikethrough] amounting to One hundred and Sixty one pounds lb/4 - this appears the whole that Capt. Patterson recd for you in pursuance of your order or power of Attorney.
I am Sir Your Obedt. Jn. Howell [flourish]
Capt Luke Broadhead
[left side margin, 1/4 page turn] Certif: 32012. for 161.16.4. Alex Patterson--