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In United States in the record with <u></u>BENJAMIN BIGGS<u></u> priv late 7th Reg. 4 Maryland de
His last pay from the 1st April 1778 to the
16th of August 1780 inclusive 28 Months 6 days @ 6 2/3 Drs. per Month.............................................188 00
Note: The Months of this claim
are on the Oath of Treasurer Holt--
her worth & [?]
[2 signatures]
J. Howell
[?] the Treasury
By normal pay rece. for 8 Months 21
days in 1778  58 Dolls @ 5 Drs. for owe....11.60
By normal pay rece. for 1779--
80 Dolls @ 21 91/100 Drs. for owe.............3.65
By normal pay rece. for January February & March
1780--20 Dolls. @ 40 Drs. for owe.............50
By balance to be Certified on
Interest from the 1st Feb. of 1780........172.25
War Department
Accountants Office
March 3rd 1795
Settled in Indsurance of an acct of
the first Session of the Second Congress of the United States hassed the 27th of March 1792
(Signed) Joseph Howells