Notes for Account of Jonathan Dyer: Page #1
Original title: 1794/cdk18_2.jpg
two tables side by side for the same person] [table on the left after the heading]
DP THE UNITED STATES incl. account with JONATHAN DYER prev^l. late ^4) Reg ^4 Maryland CP
For his Pay from the 26th March 1777 to the 31^shol December 1780 Inclusively 45 Months 6 days @ 6 2/3 drs. p Month.............301 33
For his pay from the 1st Januaty 1781 to the 1st March 1782--14 Mo^s. @ 6 2/3 drs p Month.............93 33
The Auditor of the Treasury
By normal pay rece. for 9 Mo^s. 6 days in the year 1777-- 61 dolls @ 2 96/100 for owe...20 86 By normal pay rece. for the year 1778-- 80 drs @ 4 91/100 for owe.................................................................................16.29 By normal pay rece. for the year 1779--80 drs @ 21 91/100 for owe...............................................................................3.65 By normal pay rece. for January February & March 1780. 20 drs @ 40 for owe..........................................................................3.50 By balance to be Certified on Interest from the 1st of January 1781........................260. 30
By balance to be Certified on Interest from the 1st March 1782.......................................93.33
War Department Accountants Office March 31st 1794 Settled under Ach of Cougrely of the 27th March 1792
Lign'd Jo Howell