
The United States in account with THIMAS BUTTERY late [?] late 3rd Reg. Mary Co.

For his pay from the 11th of May 1778 to the 16th of Aigust 1780 Inclusive = sively - is 27 Mos. 1 day @ 6 2/3 cts Per Mpnth..............................180 22

It apparently by the Munster Rolls on fake in the office that Thomas Buttery Inlisted are the 16th May 1778 for three years, and was killed saw the 16th of August 1780 Nabots

                                  Encl. B. N. T

By normal pay received for of Mol " 16 days in the Year 1778-50 20/90 Drs @4 34/90 fir owe......................................11 32 do do for the year 1779--80 Drs @ 21 82/90 for owe..............................3 65 do do for the Months of January February & March 1790--20 Drs. @ 40 fpr owe...................................3 59 By Balance to be Certified pn. Interest from the 1st, offefr 1780|eighty|...........................164 75

                                        Drs.  180 22

War Department Accounts Office April 1st 1793

Settled in pursurance of an Act of the first session of the second Congress United States proceded the 27th March 1792 00