
The United States in acct Thirty JOHN JONES late or to Lt. So. Car. Reg.

For his pay as of pacr from April 11, 1777 to 11th May 77 is per mo @ 8 1/3 dolls..............58 33 clk--air base Corp. from 11 Nov 1777 to 1st July 1781 is ...............43.00 ____________mo 20 days @ 9 D...............393.00


The auditor of this Treasury

By normal pay Est? from State So. Car. for 8 mo 21 days in 1777 is 64 Ds. P 64/100...............39.20 By normal pay for this year 1778 100 Ds. @ 3 62/100........................30.38 By normal pay for Jan., Feb. & Mar 79................27.50 By normal pay of Lu for 9 mos. in drs...................81 00 By norma; pay add from privt So Car for days Oct, Nov, & Dec drs. .................136.50

                                @ 15 3/100 for owe..............9 80

Balance to be Certified on Ins from _________, July 1781........................372.85

                                               Dr  451 33

War department Accountants Office Mar 15, 1793

Settled in pursuance of an Act of this first Session of the Second Congress payed 27 Mar 1792

Joseph Howell Acc