

- neacede, until they shall produce their depositions in writing - this will make a great deal of trouble - Those borne on the rolls No. 29 and from 33 to 39 inclusive were attached to the posts whose garrisons were mustered by Ensign McCall, perssuant to the instructions of the Secretary of War to me - they were also Sworn. It was found conducive to the good of the Service that, spies should be thus attached to the posts - and as W. McCall found them there he thought in proper to muster them. it would have been better if they had an been mustered in this manner.

There are some [undecipherable] for the posts on the fron-tiers which have not been returned to me. you will ob-serve that I have paid of those included in the Esti-mate transmitted to you on the 4th of April. The Burnt For from the 1st January to the 30th of September 1795, fort Defence from the 10 January to 31st December 1795 and the spies under the direction of Brig. Gene. Clarke. I have directed Col. Pope to pay the detachment at Fort Gardon and Carr's Bluff out of the money arising from the stoppages to be made from the spies for rati-ons of provision and forage which have been found to them. The [undecipherable] on that estimate for Forts Carnes and Habersham have been returned, as they were not proper-ly made out. I now enclose you another estimate of militia [undecipherable] which have been examined by me, and are retained in the hands of the paymaster of the militias.

With respect to the balance on my account current, I have to observe that, five thousand, eight hundred & fifteen dollars [59/100] to the military and the form of two thousand, seven hundred and seventy three dollars [60/100] I am to account for by contingent of fences and my salary. I have before mentioned to you, in my letter of 27th of February, that, I have not changed my salary since the 10th of December 1793. I submit to you whether it would not be proper to remit me part, on the whole of this sum, as you will find upon cal-culation that, exclusively of the change of contingencies the United States will owe me a [undecipherable] balance-

I wish


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