

Savannah 25th May 1796.


Wylie Pope, the paymentes of the militias, has been with me and received the money for the pay of the Spies and Posts authorized by the President of the United States. Enclosed is my Account Current No. 10, and vouchers; upon which I shall make a few observations.

The vouchers from No. 2 to 9 inclusively have been compared with the receipt rolls which you have - amitted to me - where I have had duplicates I have taken the paymaster's receipts thereon and I now [?] them; but in some instances, as the Spies for Hancock County, the only rolls were sent to your office, and the receipts have been taken comformably to your receipt rolls. - On some of those now forwarded the oath has not been written, but the commanding officer of the County certifies that the spies were mustered upon oath. It is to be observed although, the Secretary of War directed that the Spies should be mustered upon oath, he did not order any particular form, and the offices under whose directions they have placed have never omitted to take their depositions as to the Services they actually performed - the oath you will find annexed to Some of the rolls, was a form given by the late Col. Dorsey when he did the duty of paymaster of the militias - I should, however, suppose it unnecessary when the certificate of the commanding officer of the County is annexed, as on the rolls of General Blackburne's division, and of those under the direction of Brigadrier General Clarke, these gentlemen were very desisious of doing this business properly - the manner in which they have Sworn the Spies, they have conceived fully answering the intention of the Secretary of War - I have however, directed Col. Pope not to pay any who shall be bome on a roll to which the oath is not an
