Notes for Items for Factory Use and Trade: Page #4
Original title: xfu/XFU18004.jpg

from [illeg], everything depends on the peltries going in good Order to Market.
Be pleased in your next to give
a minute List of Articles which the Fac=
tory stands in most need of, and the Quan
=tities necessary to be forwarded.
N.B. Your Bill in [illeg]. I am Sir, of your brother will be [brace] duly honored-- Your most Obdt. Servt. J. Harris [cut off word]
P.S. To enable you to be on the right side, you had better add to the Invoice 2 1/2 [illeg] for Insurance as it is probable that it will be made as per to co= =ver the premium - which will be on, about 1000. $. -- Yours - J. Harris [illeg]
[No notes yet.]