Revision: xfu/XFU18003.jpg
Revision as of 13:29:23, 25 April 2022 by Mebrett
an Invoice of sundry Goods on your last requisition - viz Blankets. powder. [illeg] amount viz to. Eight hundred thirty one Dollars & seventy seven Cents - in addition to which you will please to add - Twenty four - Dollars. & fifteen cents. for Freight. and thirty three Cents for Porterage to the Vessell: ---I have written Mr.Clay at Savannah to purchase two hundred bushels of Salt for a Winters supply & draw Bills for [undecipherable]
Mr. Elliot - who has been appointed your Assistant embarks in the Vessel with the Goods - [undecipherable] be with you as Soon as they are --In future, I shall particularly attend to Col.o Hawkins. List of Articles suitable for trade with the Indians, it is to be presumed that he is much better acquainted with the kinds of Articles which will suit them best & be of most service to them than any other person --I am happy to hear that you [illeg] are in so good [undecipherable] [undecipherable] free