Outlines Trade Tips with Indians; List of Items in Need by Creeks: Page #9
Original title: xfu/XFU16009.jpg
500 Gallons of Whiskey
1000 [undecipherable] of Brown Sugar
400 [undecipherable] Coffee
1 Gross of [undecipherable] Needles
30 [undecipherable] of Packing twine
10 Doz. Knives & forks
[undecipherable] of Pewter in Basons, plates & dishes
[undecipherable] plainish, spoons of Iron
200 [undecipherable] of Brass Kittles from 2 to 6 larger will not do
20 Doz pint Tin Cups
40 Common Rifles -
10 Best quality
2 Doz mens Saddles
1 Doz womens Saddles
100 Common curb bridles
150 [undecipherable] of tenpen [undecipherable] Nails
50 Cow Bells
20 Small hog bells
20 Doz. Corn hoes large
20 Doz low priced Shawls
20 Doz pr. undecipherable] [undecipherable]
The Silverware but little in demand[flourish]
You will observe I have calculated for Indians only. The Groceries for your own use and if permitted for sale to the Garrison & neighboring Citizens you must add. [flourish]
That no inference may be drawn upon trading the article [undecipherable] for credit unfavourable to your predecessor I have thought fit to observe that he was Early drawn into the practice of giving credit by information drawn from sources which had not been sufficiently Explored at the time, and which subsequent information and Events have demonstrated [blank space] and he was apprehensive that by a total stop before our Misunderstand between the U. States & Spain were Accommodated, and there were some Arrangements for the recovery of Debts would be Relied on, much loss would Inevitably accrue And that by a judicious Management