On military administration and policies: Page #21
Original title: 1792/dcf07_21.jpg

pay Roll on the Settlement of their accounts with the accountant of the department of War. In cases where the men are unable to sign their names to receipts for their pay, the signature of obe Commissioned or two Non Commissioned Officers of Wintesser to the payments will deemed necessary vouchers.
It has been already intimated that on account of the dispersed situation of the Troops in the Western country it has been judged advisable that certain Garrisions and ports should be paid by detachmnt--the stations as which this regulation will be adopted and the persons who will officiate as Agents, will be designated by the Secretary of War, or Commanding offucer--As this part of the proposed an arrangement appears to be most liable to difficulties in the exrcution, a Strict attraction to order will be espected on your part.
You are to observe, that the Muster rolls of each company, or independant Corps to be sendered according to the forty A are to establish the names of all sussons whether present or anstract