No Additional Funds for Appropriation: Page #1
Original title: 1letterbook/YLA01_251.jpg

Sam. Hodgdon Esq. Accountant's Office Philad. September 10th 1800
Your letter of the 6th I have received [+]
have examined the accounts of salary to which you have had allusion. It is as I stated before that payment was made to the amount of the appropriations that no further sum could be paid by me. - The salary of Ripby I do not find included in either of the accounts, but it will be in a similar salutation with the sums deducted from the account to the 31st Dec. 1796, - as there are no appropriations in additional to what you have received.
Sam [D.] W.S.
Miss Jos Ruggles Ho Sept. 10th 1800 Roxbury
Not knowing to what cause to attribute
your withholding your accounts till this late period, [+] not having any reply to my last letter of the 6th May last, I must repeat to you the necessity of forwarding without delay in as near conformity to my former requisitions as the nature of your supplies will admit of [-]
Least my letter of the 6th May may not have come
to hand for your better government I give you the following copy, "I rec[?] yours of the 26th [ ] this day, in reply have only to observe that if you cannot fully conform[] to the instructions [forms], required in my letter to you of the 18 March last, to which I again refer you. I