
Dollars 2767.18

For Ordnance Department as pr absth B delivered to Henry Foxall at the Eagle Furnace 55.--


You will please therefore to make the necessary entries on the Books of the superintendant of Military Stores --

I am &c W. S.

Wm. North Esqr Adjt Genl

Accountant's Office April 22d 1800


Your letter on the subject of the accounts of Capt Ellery is received, and in reply thereto I have to inform you that some time since, I made application to Mr. Swan the Pay Master General, to whom the accounts were returned, & he informed me that he had delivered them to Major Genl. Hamilton -- to this effect I then wrote to Capt Ellery. On the receipt of your letter I made a second application to Mr. Swan & he gave me the same answer; with the addition, that he had heard nothing of them since he deliered them to Genl Hamilton --

I am &c W. S.

Henry Glenn Esqr in Congress

April 22d 1800


The accounts & vouchers which you some time since forwarded to this Office have been recd & partially examined but from the objections which are noted it will be impracticable to effect a Statement. You are therefore requested when convenient to attend to this office for the purpose of giving the proper informa- tion on the subject.

I am & c W. S.

[No notes yet.]