


The Committee to whom it was referred, to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the President of the United States, to appoint an agent to purchase of the Indians, a tract of land on the south-side of Lake superior, which shall include the Copper Bed--


That extensive copper beds exist on the banks of said lake, within the United States, of which the Committee hath obtained samples, and got them examined by the assayer or of the mint, who reported it pure malleable copper, fit for the manufactors;--the Committee hath further inquired into, and found the following prices for transportation, are now paid to public carriers, from Michelemachenac, to fort Erie, seventy cents for one hundred weight; from thence to Queenstown fifty cents; from thence to Oswego twenty five cents; from thence to Utica one hundred cents; from thence to Albany fifty cents; which completes the rout, except over the Lake Superior, and Streights of Saint-Mary, which the Committee