

Plan by B. H. Latrobe, civil Architect and Engineer.

For the Fundamental School, [$]40,000

The school of Artillerists and Enginers, supposed to cost an equal sum, [$]40,000

[sum] [$]80,000

It may be proper to remind the Committee that no appropriation for the school of engineers and artillerists will be required perhaps these two years, or till after the completion of the Fundamental School.

The Secretary takes occasion also to mention that the laws have already made provision for four teachers or professors to the artillerists and engineers, at a salary of eighty dollars per month, and two rations per day, which may be considered equivalent to four thousand three hundred and thirty six dollars, and forty-six cents per annum, and that the act providing for raising and organizing a corps of artillerists and engineers, passed the 9th May, 1794, makes it "the duty of the Secretary of War to provide, at the public expense, under such regulations, as shall be directed by the President of the Inited States, the necessary books, interments, and apparatus for the use and benefit of the said corps."

According to the plan and estimate of the buildings by Mr. Foncin, the two schools will cost thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and forty six dollars.

According to the plan and estimate of the buildings by Mr. Latrobe, the two schools will cost eighty thousand dollars.

The modification of the two regiments of artillerists and engineers, will liberate twenty thousand nine hundred and fifty-five dollars annually.

The establishment of the two schools were liberate the salaries of the four teachers before mention, or four thousand three hundred and thirty-six dollars annually.

The books, apparatus and instruments directed to be provided for the use of the artillerists and engineers, are considered as an adequate offset for the books, apparatus and instruments required for the use of the