


regular forces, would demand the most radical changes in our militia system, and such an uninterrupted series of training, discipline and instruction, to be applied, as well to the officers, as to the men, as comports with regular troops only,––while in its results, the measure would be found on account of the loss to the community, occasioned by the abstraction from labour or occupation, and direct cost, greatly to exceed in expense, what would be required to support a moderate military establishment. This position, which is thought to be a sound one, does not bring into view, the effects of the measure upon the morals, industry and habits of the citizens.

Practically considered, may we not as well calculate to be commodiously lodged, and have the science of building improved, by employing every man in the community in the construction of houses, and by exploding from society as useless, architects, masons and carpenters, as expect to be defended efficiently from an invading enemy, by causing every citizen to endeavor to make himself master of the several branches of the art of war, and excluding engineers, scientific officers and regular troops.

There is certainly, however, a system as it respects our militia, which if resorted to and persevered in, may secure the utility of their services in times of danger, without much injury to the morals, or materially affecting the general industry of the nation.

When the perfect order and exact discipline which are essential to regular troops are contemplated, and with what ease and precision they execute a different manoeuvers indispensable to the success of offensive or defensive operations, the conviction cannot be resisted, but such troops will always have a decided advantage over more numerous sources composed of uninstructed militia or undisciplined recruits.

It cannot yet be forgotten, that in our revolutionary war, it was not until after several years practice in arms, and the extension of the periods for which our soldiers