Request for Rank and Command of Officers Listed: Page #2
Original title: ywu/YWU08002.jpg
West Point, July 23d. 1798. Sir,
At the request of Captain Ingersoll,
the Commanding Officer, I would thank you to inform me, if the officers and men, under named, and who, on the rolls of this garrison, have been considered on command, are placed on any muster rolls, transmitted to you, and these mustered as being attached to companies other than those at West Point.
Viz, of Captain Ingersoll's company. The late musters Lieutenant Robert Parkisen at the westward_ stationed in No Carolina Serjeant James William in North Carolina of Captain Littlefield's company: Resigned 9th. June Lieutenant David Hale at Portland paid with Captn Frye Serjeant Will'm McIntire at New York Do. [illeg] Lewis Hawley---------Ditto Do. -------- Abner Cole ------------Ditto With respect I am Sir, Your very obet. Servt. William Simmons Esquire A. Freeman Accountant of the War Dep. Lieut. & T. Pay'r.