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345 Capt. Wm. Preston Lynchburg, Virginia
Accountants' Office. January 30th 1797.
Your account at this office remains suspended since the last time you was here for want of the necefsary [necessary] vouchers which you promised to transmit for the purpose of effecting a final settlement - which has never been done. I have therefore to request that you will forward those vouchers as soon as pofsible [possible] that the settlement may take place without delay.
I am etc. Wm. Simmons Acct.
Major Jon Haskell
Accountants Office
January 31 1797
Your accounts which were suspended when you was here on account of a want of vouchers still remains in the same situation notwithstanding your promise to forward them on your arrival at the army, they have never come to hand, as it is a desirable thing to have those accounts of so long standing settled and entered on the Books of this office, I have again to request you will loose no time in forwarding the vouchers or refund the Balance standing against you to Caleb Swan, Pay Master General agreeably to the enclosed statement.
I am etc. Wm. Simmons Acct.