
and receive such prisoners, negroes and property, under the direction of the President of the United States.

Article 8th In consideration of the friendly disposition of the Creek Nation toward the government of the Untied States, evidenced by the stipulations in the present treaty, and particularly the [cannot decipher] is in the discretion of the President to the establish trading on military posts on their lands. The commissioners of the United States, on behalf of the said States, give to the said Nation, goods to the value of six thousand dollars, and stipulate to send tot he Indian Nation, two blacksmiths with [cannot decipher], to be employed for the upper and lower Creeks, with the necessary tools.

Article 9th All animosities for past grievances shall henceforth cease, and the contracting parties will carry the forgoing treaty into full [cannot decipher], with all good faith and sincerity. Provided nevertheless, that tensions never [cannot decipher]