Funds for the Recruiting Service of New York: Page #16
Original title: 1letterbook/YGA01_143.jpg
143 W.D. Accountants Office June 10th 1794
Sir I have received your letter of 23rd April, wherein you mention having enlisted more men since I furnished a statement of your account, you will therefore transmit the whole of your vouchers and after such transmifsion [transmission] you will recruit subordinately to Captain Bifsell and if he has or should advance you any money for that purpose; you will enlist the men in his name and settle with him as it is unnecefsary [unnecessary] and irregular to keep accounts for two Officers at the same rendezvous. Captain Bifsell on application to the Secretary of War will from time to time receive what money he may find necefsary for recruiting and on transmitting his muster rolls I shall remit the pay also. As soon as your vouchers are received I shall settle your account if any balance is due shall remit it immediately. I shall write Ms. Chester how I wish the money disposed of which is in his hands.
I am Sir etc Joseph Howell
Ensign Daniel Bifsell Middletown. Connecticut.