Statement by Frederick Dalcho Surgeons Mate given on 25 September 1793, attested by James Seagrove. Dalcho reports that some Georgia militia were pursuing some Indians in order to recover stolen horses. During this pursuit, they were ambushed by Indians. As a result, party headed out led by Colonel Alexander, Colonel Melton, Colonel Lemar, Major Fauche, Major Adams and other officers and men. Intent was to ambush Indians and intercept those who wished to treat with James Seagrove Creek Indian Agent. Adams expressed a wish that Seagrove and Barnard be killed for pacifying the Indians and for paying them to destroy the frontier inhabitants. Called United States Congress a set of rascals and Secretary of War an enemy of Georgia. If he could, he would drown them all. Believed that the Executive Officers of Federal Government wished to see state of Georgia destroyed by Indians. Federal troops are of no use in protecting frontier. Adams reiterated that Indians trying to treat would be killed. Apparently Colonel Melton gave authority to do so. Statement substantiated by Mr Armour of Greensborough.