Writing from Augusta, Freeman has met with Georgia Governor Telfair; expects to see appointment of paymaster for militia, along with orders for mustering. Has not been able to obtain a listing of the numbers of troops employed. Governor believes forces should remain at current levels. Notes that in response to Knox's letter ordering a stop to offensive operations by Georgia militia, Governor Telfair has responded accordingly. Major Habersham in communication with Secretary of Treasury regarding contracts. On 7 September 1793 James Seagrove proceeded to Fort Fidius on his way to Oakmulgee, with Major Gaither and Mr. Whitney. Points out that Governor Telfair does not think Seagrove's efforts will bear results. While many Georgians support offensive operations against the Creeks, there are some who are concerned about the consequences should the expedition fail. Reports trouble with Indians: stealing of horses from Long Bluff, Washington County and Mr. Cribbs and Mr. Hill in Green County. Skirmish at Long Bluff resulted in Indian party killed.