A report of a council of federal officers requesting party of federal troops to provide security for James Seagrove and his party during peace visit to Creeks: Page #1
Original title: 1letterbook/NOP01_400.jpg

Fort Fidius on the Oconee with the packhorses and baggage of the said Agent, agreeable to orders received from him, having as an assistant a free negro man named Fredk. Chaves. that they proceeded by way of the white pond in the County of Washington where they stopped to refresh themselves and horses. that whilst at that place this deponent met with very great insult, and his life was threatened by several of the inhabitants because he was in the services of said agent and it was understood by those people that the agent was going to the Creek nation to establish a peace. That the people at that place as well as on his way appeared very inveterate and determined to injure the agent as soon as any Indian. That a man who this deponent understood to be of the name of Randal Griffin, did actually cock a rifle gun and present it at the said negro man called Fredk. Chaves and said in a very violent manner that he would kill the said negro on the spot if he knew with certainty whether he had ever been in the Creek nation on business for the said agent. The Negro made no reply or gave any cause for such usage. That this deponent verily believes that had it not been for the timely interference of the Reverend James Hutchinson he the said negro man as well as this deponent would have lost their lives. that the conduct of the people of the Country through which this deponent past appeared violently opposed to every thing like peace between this Country and the Indians, and that he conceives the said Agent in danger of his life as he travels through this Country and further this deponent saith not.
(Signed) James Aiken.