Bernard, in reporting to Seagrove from Flint River Georgia, notes that the upper Creeks held a meeting at the Tuchabachees of the upper and lower Creeks. Those who attended agreed to would take steps to ensure peace with United States; would take measures to satisfy Seagrove's demands to for satisfaction for murders at Traders Hill St Marys. Bernard notes that the old villain Daniel Dourouzeaux, has turned Spaniard for a salary of $300 per annum as interpreter with the Cowetahs. Originally the parties agreed to return the stolen horses and goods, but now that agreement seems to be refused. Bernard is sure that the upper Creeks and Cussetahs are committed to peace with United States. Cowetahs and Chickasaws seem very obstinate and refuse to give up any property. Expresses concern that settlers will make no distinction between Indian friend and foe, which could bring on general war; Spaniards would provide assistance and Chocktaws, Chickasaws and Cherokees could join in. Spaniards talking with Cherokee chiefs in Pensacola. Spaniards continue to supply ammunition to Indians unfriendly to United States. Upper Creeks seek the presence of Seagrove; his demands would be complied with. David Cornell could be useful because he is inveterate against Spaniards and Panton. Bernard discusses security arrangements, should Seagrove decide to come visit the Upper Creeks. Observes that James Cornell, interpreter and once much in favor of Spaniards during McGililvray's life, has changed his tune. Cornell suggests that if Seagrove visits, he can provide proof of Spanish governor complicity in efforts to set Indians against United States.