
service, and had also dispatched an express to Miro district on Cumberland river with orders to Brig- adier general Robertson to put his brigade in the best possible state of defence.

    The nearness of the time at which Congress

is to meet, who only are invested with the powers of War, will render it essential to wait the result of their deliberations, before offensive measures can be directed; supposing the information trans- mitted by Governor Blount to be authentic.

    In the mean time your excellency will be

the judge whether any further measures should be necessary for the defence of the southwestern parts of Virginia, at the expence of the Unions, of the nature and in addition to those before taken.

14th October 1792

    The President of the United States, to whom

I have submitted your Excellency's letter of the 4th instant, has directed me to inform you that he does not from his present view of the Subject conceive any measures, on the part of the Legislature of Virginia necessary for the defence of the frontiers during the ensuing year.

    That he flatters himself, the respectable
