William Blount; Chuleoah, the Boots; Squollecuttah, Hanging Maw; Occunna, the Badger; Enoleh, Black Fox; Nontuaka, the Northward;
Tekakiska; Tuckaseh, Tarrapin; Kateh; Kunnochatutloh, the Crane; Cauquillehanah, the Thigh; Cesquotteleneh, Yellow bird; Chickasawtehe,
Chickasaw Killer; Chutloh, King Fisher; Toowayelloh, Bold Hunter; Jahle-oonoyehka, middle Striker; Kinnesah, Cabin; Tullotehe, two killer;
Kealouske, stopt still; Kulsatehe; Auquotague, the little Turkey's son; Tuskegatehe, Tuskega killer; Tinkshalene; Sawutteh, Slave Catcher;
Aukuah; Oosenaleh; Kenotetah, rising Fawn; Koolaquah, Big Acorn; Kanetetoka, Standing Turkey; Yonewatleh, Bear at home; Long Will;
Kunoskeskie, John Watts; Nenetooyah, Bloody Fellow; Chuquilatague, Double head; Talohteske, Upsetter; Cheakoneske, Otter lifter;
Keshukaune, She reigns; Toonaunailoh; Teesteke, common disturber; Robin McClemore; Skyuka.