
receive the following rates of pay, which are the same as is by law established for the regular troops of the United States and the militia. viz.

Lieutenant...twenty two dollars Ensign...eighteen dollars Serjeant...five...dollars Corporal...four...dollars Privates...three dollars

[right side of the chart has a brace] per month.

    3rd. The said rangers shall be furnished

with rations in such manner as the Lieutenants of the county shall think proper.The United States will allow for each ration six pence virginia cur- rency, or eight and one third hundredths parts of of a dollar. The Subaltern to have two, and the non- commissioned and privates one ration each.

    4th. The Lieutenants of each county

will be responsible on oath, that the said rangers shall be called into service only in cases of imminent danger, and that they be discharged as soon as the danger shall cease.

    That when any service shall have been

performed by said rangers, the following evidence thereof will be required.

    1st a

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