

Colonel Chr[istian] Senf Copy of a Letter to his Excellency the President General of the United States Rocky Mount So. Carolina Col Senf Sir, May 1789 At last the Period seems to have arrived when I may Venture, and in the present and happy form of Government to propose a Plan I have had for several years in Contemplation ~ The Opportunities I have had during the War & since have given me a good deal of knowledge of our Sea Coast & the advantage this Country has over many others if its inland communication by Water are improved are Certainly in my Humble Opinion very great ~ I have not the least doubt of the practicability that a safe and good Inland Navigation can be effected, on Moderate Expences from the State of New York to East Florida ~ The Traveler must [illegible] much Satisfaction when he can traverse Hundreds of Miles in Safety without being tossed about by the Sea or to undergo the great fatigues to Travel by Land how much greater will be the Benefices, the Inhabitants will when they can Transport their Produce and Manufactories to any Part of the United States where it appears most [illegible] to them without any Risk either in Peace or War times The Desire to assist in s[o] great and Beneficial a plan urges me to Request humbly to [illegible] Honored with a Permission from the Governors to make the Necessary Surveys for the purpose mentioned, and to have [illegible] Satisfaction to present the plans & Estimates of the Expences that