

Pay Clerk Office Hartford Dec. 20th 1787.

Sir I have the honour to transmit the returns requested by your letter of 29th of Nov. last; which have been extracted from the settlements made by this state with their Line of the Army and which I trust will afford the information desired. . . .

I take the Liberty to inform you that by the Acts of this State no person was entitled to a settlement for depreciation who left the service before the 1st of January 1780 & of consequence you will find no names of persons who were discharged before that time. . . .

The State settled with a part of Colo Henry Sherburns Regt. & with a part of Colo John Lambs Regt. of Artillery in case you wish for returns of those Regts I can furnish them. . . .

I have the honour to be with respect your obedt & humble servt. <Oliver Wolcott Jr>

Jos Howell Jr. Esq John Pierce Esq