
Frederick County Virginia July 7th 1786

Hon'd Sir, I have rec’d your Hon’d by Coll Holmes the 13th and I am very sorry to find you have not succeeded on my request which makes me again trouble on that head, as Doctrs Shippen or Hutchenson can do the Business without the assistance of the War Office which you will be informed in the sequel. You know very well I joined the Army in February 1779 in the Capacity of mate in which character I continued till the resignation of Doctr Roberts at Richmond, Virginia which was the 1st day of March 1780. I made a request for the Appointment to General Woodford who commanded the Troops on their march to the Southland, who told me to consider myself as full surgeon but it must originate from the Surgeon General of the Army, as I was on my march to Carolina and what happened soon After our arrival in those parts you are acquainted with, so that it renders out of my favor to get the Ratification and indeed my first attachment to the Army until the end. A contest was the cause of my [undecipherable] Now what I would wish you to do for me is to get an Appointment as Mate from the time I joined the Army till the resignation of Doctr. Roberts and from that time

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