


   As the main and reserved corps are to be replenished by the principle of rotation, from the advanced corps, and ultimately to consist of men who have received their military education therein, it is proper that one uniform arrangement should pervade the several classes.
   It is for this reason the legion is established as the common form of a ll the corps of the militia.
   The main legions, consisting of the great majority of the men of the military age, will form the principal defence of the country.
   They are to be responsible for their proportion of men, to form an army whenever necessity shall dictate the measure; and on every sudden occasion to which the advanced corps shall be incompetent, and adequate number of non-commissioned officers and privates shall be added thereto, from the main corps, by means of the sections.
   The main corps is to be perfectly armed. In the first instance, the men of whom it is composed will furnish themselves with arms, but afterwards the supply will be continued by the annual transfer of the armed youth from the advanced corps.
   The main corps will practice the exercise and manæuvres four days in each year, and will assemble in their respective districts, by companies, battalions, regiments, or legions, as shall be directed by each state; but it must be a fixed rule that in the populous parts of the states, the regiments must assemble once annually, and the legions once in three years.
